Blown grass

Agrostis avenacea

Agrostis avenacea, commonly known as Pacific Bentgrass, is a cool-season grass species native to North America. This grass is often found in meadows, open woodlands, and along streams. Let's explore various aspects of Agrostis avenacea:

Detailed Appearance:

Pacific Bentgrass is a tufted grass with slender stems that can grow up to 1 meter in height. The leaves are narrow, linear, and often have a distinct bluish-green color. The inflorescence is a loose, open panicle with delicate, purplish to greenish flowers.

Key Characters:

Key features of Agrostis avenacea include its tufted growth habit, slender stems, narrow bluish-green leaves, and loose panicle inflorescence. The delicate appearance of the flowers and the overall fine texture are characteristic of the species.


As a cool-season grass, Pacific Bentgrass is adapted to thrive in cooler temperatures and is often found in moist environments. It is a perennial grass, meaning it persists for multiple growing seasons, and it reproduces both by seeds and tillers (shoots arising from the base of the plant).

Population Dynamics:

Pacific Bentgrass can form dense tufts in its preferred habitats, contributing to its population dynamics. It is well-suited to areas with consistent moisture, such as meadows and along streambanks.


The primary mode of seed dispersal for Agrostis avenacea is through the wind. The lightweight seeds are carried by the wind over short distances, aiding in the colonization of new areas. Human activities, animals, and water may also contribute to seed dispersal.

Habitat Preferences:

This species is commonly found in moist to wet habitats, including meadows, open woodlands, and areas along streams or rivers. It prefers well-drained soils and is often part of plant communities in riparian zones.

Growth Cycle:

Being a perennial grass, Pacific Bentgrass exhibits continuous growth throughout the growing season. It produces flowers in response to favorable conditions, and the seeds are dispersed to establish new plants. The grass may go dormant or reduce growth during the warmer months.

Ecological Impact:

Agrostis avenacea plays a role in stabilizing soil in riparian zones and contributes to the biodiversity of plant communities in moist habitats. It provides habitat and forage for various wildlife species.

Utilization and Economic Impact:

While Pacific Bentgrass may not have significant economic uses, it has value in ecological restoration and landscaping, particularly in areas with consistent moisture. It can be utilized for erosion control and habitat restoration projects.

Control Measures:

In natural settings, Pacific Bentgrass generally does not pose a problem. However, in certain situations, such as when managing specific plant communities or restoring native habitats, control measures may involve altering the moisture regime or introducing competitive native species.

Human Interaction:

Human interactions with Agrostis avenacea often involve its presence in natural landscapes, particularly in meadows and along water bodies. The grass's aesthetic appeal, fine texture, and ability to stabilize soil make it of interest in landscaping and restoration projects. Understanding its growth habits and habitat preferences is important for effective utilization and management.

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