Creeping speedwell

Veronica persica, Veronica tournefortii, Veronica buxbaumii

Cotyledons: Two. 5-8 mm long overall. Tip rounded. Sides convex. Base squarish. Surface hairless. Petiole 2-3 mm long and shorter than the blade. The seedling has both hypocotyl and epicotyl.

First leaves: 6-10 mm long with a petiole about 3 mm long and have hairs on the upper and lower surfaces and on the petiole. The number of lateral lobes on the early leaves is variable, normally being 3 but ranging from 2 to 4. In later leaves the lobes are more numerous and subdivided.

Does not form a rosette. Lower leaves opposite and paired, the pairs being at right angles to those below. Upper leaves alternate.
Stipules - None.
Petiole - 1-10 mm long, hairy.
Blade - Egg to heart shaped, 4-23 mm long by 3-22 mm wide, many regular lobes or rounded teeth, obtuse tip. Sparsely hairy to hairy.
Stem leaves - 10-25 mm long with a short petiole and have fine hairs on the upper and lower surface, where they are rather more numerous particularly on the veins. Upper stem leaves on flowering plants are not paired.

Blue, 8 to 12 mm in diameter.
Ovary - Style 2mm long, thread like with a small flat topped stigma.
Sepals - 4, narrowly egg shaped to oval, joined at the base, paired and the pairs are held at a wide angle to each other. 3-5 mm long and enlarging to 7-9 mm long by 2.5-3 mm wide when in fruit. Edges hairy.
Petals - 4, unequal, broadly egg shaped, 2-6 mm long, obtuse tipped, joined at the base, longer than the calyx. The top petal is a dark blue, the bottom petal a pale blue, and the lateral petals intermediate in tone. The petals have dark longitudinal stripes or veins. The lowest flowers may be white.
Stamens - 2, exerted.
Anthers - 2 celled.

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