- Manufacturer
- Category
- Herbicides
- Registered until
- 2023-12-31
- Registration number
- 30870
- Active materials
- glyphosate194 g/l
- dicamba46 g/l
- Links
- LabelView
GlyKamba Herbicide is a post-emergent herbicide for control or suppression of emerged weeds prior to seeding cereals in fallow and reduced tillage systems.
This product enters the plant through the foliage and moves throughout the plant. Visual effects of control are a gradual wilting or yellowing of the plant, which advances to complete browning of above-ground growth and deterioration of affected underground plant parts. Visible symptoms will usually develop on labelled weeds within 5 to 7 days after applications, but may not occur for more than 7 days. Extremely cool or cloudy weather following treatment or prolonged drought conditions may slow activity of this product and delay the visual effects of control.
Always use the higher rate of this product under poor growing conditions, such as drought.
Reduced control may result if treatments are made during poor growing conditions such as drought stress, disease or insect damage, or if weeds have been mowed, grazed or cut. Heavy dust on foliage or an overstory canopy covering targeted weeds may also reduce control.
This product does not provide residual weed control. For subsequent residual weed control, follow a label-approved herbicide program. Read and carefully observe the precautionary statements and all other information appearing on the labels of all herbicides used.
Rainfall occurring within 6 hours after application, particularly on weeds growing under stress conditions, may reduce the effectiveness of this product. Heavy rainfall within 2 hours after application may wash the chemical off the foliage and a repeat treatment may be required. For best results spray coverage should be uniform and complete.
DO NOT use in residential areas, which are defined as sites where bystanders may be present during or after spraying, including homes, schools, parks, playgrounds, playing fields and public buildings. DO NOT apply by air.
For resistance management, GlyKamba Herbicide is a Group 4 and 9 herbicide. Any weed population may contain or develop plants naturally resistant to GlyKamba Herbicide and other Group 4 and 9 herbicides. The resistant biotypes may dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly in the same field. Other resistance mechanisms that are not linked to site of action, but specific for individual chemicals, such as enhanced metabolism, may also exist. Appropriate resistance-management strategies should be followed. To delay herbicide resistance:
Where possible, rotate the use of GlyKamba Herbicide or other Group 4 or 9 herbicides with different herbicide groups that control the same weeds in a field.
Use tank mixtures with herbicides from a different group when such use is permitted.
Herbicide use should be based on an IPM program that includes scouting, historical information related to herbicide use and crop rotation, and considers tillage (or other mechanical), cultural, biological and other chemical control practices.
Monitor treated weed populations for resistance development.
Prevent movement of resistant weed seeds to other fields by cleaning harvesting and tillage equipment and planting clean seed.
Contact your local extension specialist or certified crop advisors for any additional pesticide resistance-management and/or integrated weed-management recommendations for specific crops and weed biotypes.
TOXIC to aquatic organisms and non-target terrestrial plants. Observe buffer zones specified under DIRECTIONS FOR USE.
Avoid direct applications to any body of water. Do not use in areas where adverse impact on domestic water or aquatic species is likely. Do not contaminate water by disposal of waste or cleaning of equipment.
Avoid all drift to or contact with other vegetation for which treatment is not intended as damage or destruction may occur.
DO NOT apply this product directly to freshwater habitats (such as lakes, rivers, sloughs, ponds, prairie potholes, creeks, marshes, streams, reservoirs and wetlands), estuarine or marine habitats.
DO NOT contaminate irrigation or drinking water supplies or aquatic habitats by cleaning of equipment or disposal of wastes.
Surface Runoff:
To reduce runoff from treated areas into aquatic habitats, consider the characteristics and conditions of the site before treatment. Site characteristics and conditions that may lead to runoff include but are not limited to heavy rainfall, moderate to steep slope, bare soil, poorly draining soil (e.g. soils that are compacted, fine textured, or low in organic matter such as clay).
Potential for contamination of aquatic areas as a result of runoff may be reduced by including an untreated vegetative strip between the treated area and the edge of the water body.
Avoid applying this product when heavy rain is forecast.
The use of this chemical may result in contamination of groundwater, particularly in areas where soils are permeable (e.g. sand, loamy sand and sandy loam soils) and/or the depth to the water table is shallow.
Field sprayer application:
DO NOT apply during periods of dead calm. Avoid application of this product when winds are gusty. DO NOT apply with spray droplets smaller than the American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE) medium/coarse classification (according to the appropriate buffer zone table). Boom height must be 60 cm or less above the crop or ground.
AVOID DRIFT. EXTREME CARE MUST BE USED WHEN APPLYING THIS PRODUCT TO PREVENT INJURING DESIRABLE PLANTS AND CROPS. Do not allow spray mist to drift since even minute quantities of spray can cause severe damage or destruction to nearby crops, plants or other areas on which treatment is not intended, or may cause other unintended consequences. Do not apply when winds are gusty or in excess of 8 km/h or when other conditions, including lesser wind velocities, will allow drift to occur. When spraying, avoid combinations of pressure and nozzle type that will result in fine particles (mist) which are more likely to drift.
NOTE: Use of this product in any manner not consistent with this label may result in injury to persons, animals or crops, or other unintended consequences. Keep container closed to prevent spills and contamination.
The buffer zones specified in the tables below are required between the point of direct application and the closest downwind edge of sensitive terrestrial habitats (such as grasslands, forested areas, shelter belts, woodlots, hedgerows, riparian areas and shrublands), sensitive freshwater habitats (such as lakes, rivers, sloughs, ponds, prairie potholes, creeks, marshes, streams, reservoirs and wetlands) and estuarine/marine habitats. When a tank mixture is used, consult the labels of the tank-mix partners and observe the largest (most restrictive) buffer zone of the products involved in the tank mixture.
Apply this product at 2.5 to 3.125 L/ha in 50 to 100 litres of clean water per hectare. The higher rate of this product should be applied when weeds are under poor growing conditions such as drought or for those weeds specified in the table below.
Recommended applications of this product can be made as required prior to seeding in cereal crops and to fallow land.
This product or labelled tank mixtures should be applied to emerged, actively growing weeds.
Application at earlier growth stages generally will provide best results.
Reduced results may occur if application of this product or labelled tank mixtures is made to weeds which are not actively growing or weeds that are drought stressed.
1. Fill the spray tank to about 3/4 of the desired volume with clean water.
2. Add the recommended amount of GlyKamba Herbicide.
3. Complete the filling process while maintaining agitation.
Remove the hose from the mix tank immediately after filling to avoid siphoning back into the carrier source. During mixing and application, foaming of the spray solution may occur. To prevent or minimize foam, terminate by-pass and return lines at the tank bottom during mixing. Reduced results may occur if water containing soil is used, such as water from ponds and unlined ditches.
CLEAN THE ENTIRE SPRAYER AFTER APPLICATION OF THIS PRODUCT. Failure to clean the sprayer thoroughly may result in injury to desirable crops which are subsequently sprayed. First, add clean water to the tank and thoroughly rinse the entire sprayer system. Secondly, fill the tank with water and ammonia. Add 1 litre of household ammonia per 100 litres of water. Pump enough solution through the hoses, boom and nozzles to fill these parts completely. Then fill the tank, close and leave for 24 hours before draining and rinsing thoroughly with water. Application or use of other agricultural chemicals with the equipment used for this product may result in injury to desirable vegetation.
Annual Weed Control Prior to Seeding:
Crops: prior to seeding wheat, barley, rye, oats and field corn (do not apply prior to sweet corn)
Rate: 2.5 L/ha
Use on emerged annual weeds in reduced tillage systems
Do not apply prior to seeding lentils, peas, canola, flax or other broadleaved crops.
Do not apply after crop emergence.
Seeding should follow soon after application since this product does not provide residual weed control.
For field corn, apply to medium to fine textured soils containing more than 2.5% organic matter.
Do not use on sandy or sandy loam soils.
Use only the 2.5 L/ha rate for pre-seeding applications.
Winter Annual Weeds:
For best control of winter annual broadleaf weeds, such as flixweed and stinkweed, 2,4-D should be applied to emerged, actively growing weeds in the fall previous to the fallow season or in early spring in the fallow season when winter annual weeds are less than 10 cm tall. Refer to the 2,4-D product label for appropriate rates and other use instructions and cautionary statements.
Downy Brome:
For best control of these winter annual weeds, GlyKamba Herbicide can be applied after emergence in the fall previous to the fallow season or in spring of the fallow season up to seed head emergence.
Control of Weeds under Stress Conditions:
Under certain stress conditions, such as drought, cool temperatures or where extremely hard water (> 700 ppm Ca + Mg) has been used, weed control may be reduced with this product. However, the following list of application instructions will help improve results under these conditions.
Use 50 L/ha water volume
Use the higher rate of GlyKamba Herbicide within the recommended rate range (3.125 L/ha)
Registered for cultures | Rate | Preharvest Interval |
Winter wheat | 2.5 - 3.125 l | 30 |
Spring wheat | 2.5 - 3.125 l | 30 |
Winter barley | 2.5 - 3.125 l | 30 |
Spring barley | 2.5 - 3.125 l | 30 |
Winter rye | 2.5 - 3.125 l | 30 |
Spring rye | 2.5 - 3.125 l | 30 |
Winter oats | 2.5 - 3.125 l | 30 |
Spring oats | 2.5 - 3.125 l | 30 |
Corn | 2.5 - 3.125 l | 30 |
Glyphosate who kills all plants | 2.5 - 3.125 l |