Cobalt Advanced

Dow AgroSciences
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Registration number
Active materials

Registratration Number: 62719-615

Mixing Directions
Cobalt Advanced – Alone

To prepare the spray, add a portion of the required amount of water to the spray tank and with the spray tank agitator operating, add Cobalt Advanced. Complete filling the tank with the balance of water needed. Maintain sufficient agitation during both mixing and application to ensure uniformity of the spray mixture.
Cobalt Advanced – Tank Mix
Cobalt Advanced is compatible with insecticides, herbicides, miticides, and fungicides and non-pressure fertilizer solutions commonly used except for alkaline materials, such as Bordeaux mixture and lime. Conduct a small jar compatibility test prior to tank mixing. Prepare tank mixtures in the same manner as directed above for use of Cobalt Advanced alone. When tank mixing Cobalt Advanced with herbicides, add wettable powders first, flowables second, and emulsifiable concentrates last. For best results when a fertilizer solution is involved, use a fertilizer pesticide compatibility agent, such as Unite or Complex. Maintain constant agitation during both mixing and application to ensure uniformity of the spray mixture. Do not allow spray mixtures to stand overnight.
Tank Mix Compatibility Test: Test compatibility of the intended tank mixture before adding Cobalt Advanced to the spray or mix tank. Add proportional amounts of each tank mix ingredient to a clear glass pint or quart jar, cap it, invert the jar several times, and let set 15 minutes. If the mixture balls-up, forms flakes, sludges, jels, oily films or layers, or other precipitates that do not readily redispers, it is an incompatible mixture that must not be used.

Apply as a broadcast foliar spray using aircraft or ground spray equipment. Use a higher rate in the rate range for increased pest pressure. Use a minimum spray volume of 2 gpa for aerial application (fixed wing or helicopter) or 10 gpa for ground equipment. Use a spray volume of 5 gpa or more by air or up to 20 gpa by ground when foliage is dense and/or pest population is high and/or under high temperature and wind conditions. Some reduction in insect control may occur under unusually cool conditions.
Chemigation: Cobalt Advanced may be applied through sprinkler irrigation systems to control listed foliar pests. Use specified broadcast application rates. See Chemigation Application section.

Rate: 6 – 13 fl oz / acre
corn rootworm adults (spotted cucumber beetle), grasshoppers, leafhoppers

Rate: 11 – 26 fl oz / acre
alfalfa caterpillar blue alfalfa aphid cutworm spp. green cloverworm pea aphid spotted alfalfa aphid (suppression) (not for use in California) velvetbean caterpillar webworm spp.

Rate: 16 – 38 fl oz / acre
alfalfa blotch leafminer alfalfa seed chalcid adult alfalfa weevil larvae and adults armyworms bean leaf beetle blister beetle sp. clover leaf weevil spp. clover root borer adult clover root curculio spp. adult clover stem borer adult corn earworm cowpea aphid cowpea curculio adult cowpea weevil adult Egyptian alfalfa weevil larvae and adults grape colapsis adult green June beetle adult green peach aphid Japanese beetle adult looper spp. Mexican bean beetle pea weevil adult plant bugs spider mites spittlebug spp. stink bug spp. sweet clover weevil adult threecornered alfalfa hopper thrips spp. whitefringed beetle spp. Adult

Specific Use Precautions:
- Do not tank mix Cobalt Advanced with other pesticides, surfactants, or fertilizer formulations unless prior use has shown the combination to be non-injurious to alfalfa under current conditions of use. Some phytotoxic symptoms may be observed on young, tender, rapidly growing alfalfa treated with Cobalt Advanced. Alfalfa will outgrow these symptoms and no yield loss should be expected.
- This product is highly toxic to bees exposed to direct treatment on alfalfa. Do not apply if nearby bees are clustered outside of hives and bees are foraging in the treated area. Protective information may be obtained from your Agricultural Extension Service.
- To avoid contamination of irrigation tail waters, do not flood irrigate within 24 hours following an application of Cobalt Advanced.

Specific Use Restrictions:
- Preharvest Interval: Do not cut or graze treated alfalfa within 7 days after application of 6 to 13 fl oz of Cobalt Advanced per acre, within 14 days after application of 13 to 26 fl oz per acre, or within 21 days after application of rates above 26 fl oz per acre.
- Do not apply any product containing chlorpyrifos more than once per alfalfa cutting.
- Maximum single application rate is 0.75 lb ai chlorpyrifos and 0.04 lb ai lambda-cyhalothrin (38 fl oz of Cobalt Advanced) per acre.
- Do not apply more than a total of 2.3 lb ai chlorpyrifos and 0.12 lb ai lambda-cyhalothrin (119 fl oz of Cobalt Advanced) per acre per season.
- Do not make a second application of Cobalt Advanced or other product containing chlorpyrifos within 10 days of the first application.
- Maximum Application Rate: Do not exceed the maximum application rate of ai per acre per year allowed by using other lambda-cyhalothrin or gamma-cyhalothrin containing products. The maximum rate allowed for use if both lambda-cyhalothrin and gamma-cyhalothrin products are used during the same crop growing season can be calculated based upon the listed maximum rates in the following:
Lambda-Cyhalothrin – 0.12 (lb ai/acre/season)
Gamma-Cyhalothrin – 0.06 (lb ai/acre/season)

When the maximum application rate of lambda-cyhalothrin is reached, no gamma-cyhalothrin product can be used. The gamma-cyhalothrin quantity can be multiplied by 2 to calculate the total ai based upon lambda-cyhalothrin.

Apple Tree Trunk
Apply as a post-bloom application to the lower 4 feet of the apple tree trunk for borer control in states east of the Rockies only. Mix with water and apply directly to trunk from a distance of no more than 4 feet using low volume handgun or shielded spray equipment. Do not allow spray to contact foliage or fruit.

Target Pests at 1.3 quart/100 gal: American plum borer apple bark borer broad necked root borer dogwood borer flatheaded appletree borer roundheaded apple tree borer tilehorned prionus

Specific Use Restrictions:
- Preharvest Interval: Do not apply within 28 days before harvest.
- Do not make more than one application of Cobalt Advanced to the apple tree trunk per year as either a prebloom or post-bloom application.
- Maximum single application rate is 0.81 lb ai chlorpyrifos and 0.05 lb ai lambda-cyhalothrin (1.3 quarts of Cobalt Advanced) per 100 gallons.
- Do not apply more than a total of 0.81 lb ai chlorpyrifos and 0.05 ai lambda-cyhalothrin (1.3 quarts of Cobalt Advanced) per 100 gallons per year.
- This product may not be used if a prebloom application if any other product containing chlorpyrifos has been made during the year.
- Do not allow meat or dairy animals to graze in treated orchards.
- Treat only the lower 4 feet of the apple tree trunk.
- Do not apply when wind speed is greater than 10 mph.

Brussels Sprout
Apply with conventional power-operated spray equipment in 20 to 150 gpa of water. For aerial applications, apply in a minimum of 5 gpa of water. Use a higher rate in the rate range when there is increased pest pressure. Consult your state agricultural experiment station, extension service specialist, or integrated pest control advisor for proper time to treat in your area.

Target Pests at 11 – 19 fl oz/acre
cabbage aphid grasshoppers

Target Pests at 11 – 26 fl oz/acre
cutworms fall armyworms imported cabbage worm

Target Pests at 16 – 38 fl oz/acre
beet armyworm cabbage looper cabbage webworm southern cabbage worm stink bugs striped flea beetle (adult) yellowstriped armyworm

Specific Use Restrictions:
- Preharvest Interval: Do not apply within 21 days before harvest.
- Do not make more than three applications of Cobalt Advanced or other product containing chlorpyrifos per crop.
- Maximum single application rate is 0.75 lb ai chlorpyrifos and 0.04 lb ai lambda-cyhalothrin (38 fl oz of Cobalt Advanced) per acre.
- Do not apply more than a total of 2.25 lb ai chlorpyrifos and 0.11 lb ai lambda-cyhalothrin (114 fl oz of Cobalt Advanced) per acre per year.
- Do not make a second application of Cobalt Advanced or other product containing chlorpyrifos within 10 days of the first application.
- If three applications are made at the maximum application rate of 38 fl oz, then a fourth application of a product containing chlorpyrifos is not permitted. More applications with a product containing lambdacyhalothrin are permitted as long as no more than the maximum amount of 0.24 lb ai per acre per year is applied.
- Maximum Application Rate: Do not exceed the maximum application rate of ai per acre per year allowed by using other lambda-cyhalothrin or gamma-cyhalothrin containing products. The maximum rate allowed for use if both lambda-cyhalothrin and gamma-cyhalothrin products are used during the same crop growing season can be calculated based upon the listed maximum rates in the following:
Lambda-Cyhalothrin – 0.24 (lb ai/acre/season)
Gamma-Cyhalothrin – 0.12(lb ai/acre/season)

When the maximum application rate of lambda-cyhalothrin is reached, no gamma-cyhalothrin product can be used. The gamma-cyhalothrin quantity can be multiplied by 2 to calculate the total ai based upon lambda-cyhalothrin.

Conifer and Deciduous Trees (Plantations, Nurseries, and Seed Orchards)
Use in nurseries is restricted to wholesale nursery operations. Wholesale nursery operations are commercial agricultural operations which do not sell or distribute directly to consumers or the general public through retail sales. Plants, trees, fruit, vegetables, or any parts of the plants, trees, fruits or vegetables treated with this product cannot be sold or distributed directly to consumers or the general public through retail sales.
Apply Cobalt Advanced as required by scouting to control exposed foliage, flower, cone, seed and bark feeding insects. Base timing and frequency of applications upon insect populations reaching locally determined economic thresholds.
Unless otherwise indicated, apply only as a foliar spray using poweroperated ground equipment at the dosages indicated to control pests listed in the following table in plantations, nurseries and seed orchards. Thorough coverage of foliage is essential. Use a minimum 10 gpa of finished spray with ground equipment. Use higher volume of finished spray, 20 gpa or more, when foliage is dense and/or pest density is high and/or under high temperature and wind conditions.

Target Pests at 45 -51.1 fl oz/acre
aphids European pine sawfly gypsy moth pales weevil (adult), pine needle scale (1) pine tortoise scale (1) spittlebugs spruce budworm

Target Pests at 13 – 15.33 fl oz/acre
pales weevil (2)

Target Pests at 0.5 – 2 fl oz/acre
coneworm spp. (3) seed bug spp. (3)

Pest-Specific Use Directions:
1. Scale: For control, apply when scale crawlers are active.
2. Pales weevil: Apply as a cut stump drench. Do not exceed 1 lb ai chlorpyrifos and 0.06 lb ai lambda-cyhalothrin (51.1 fl oz of Cobalt Advanced) per acre per application.
3. Coneworm/Seed Bug/Thrips spp. in Seed Orchards:
- For high volume sprayers, dilute 5.12 fl oz of Cobalt Advanced per 100 gallons of water and apply 5 to 10 gallons of finished spray per tree.
- For low volume sprayers, dilute 20 fl oz of Cobalt Advanced per 100 gallons of water and apply 100 gallons of finished spray volume per acre.

Specific Use Precautions:
Phytotoxicity: Do not apply under conditions of extreme heat or drought stress. Environmental factors and varietal differences significantly influence potential phytotoxic expression. Testing has shown that Cobalt Advanced may be used at specified rates on the following conifer species without serious phytotoxicity: balsam fir, concolor fir, Douglas fir, eastern white pine, Fraser fir, grand fir, noble fir, Scotch pine, white spruce. Before treating large numbers of other conifer species, treat a small block of plants and observe 7 to 10 days for symptoms of phytotoxicity. Note: The user assumes responsibility for determining if it is safe to treat other conifer species with Cobalt Advanced under commercial growing conditions.

Specific Use Restrictions:
- Preharvest Interval: Do not apply within 30 days before harvest.
- Chemigation: Do not apply this product through any type of irrigation system.
- Do not make more than three applications of Cobalt Advanced or other product containing chlorpyrifos per season.
- Maximum single application rate is 1 lb ai chlorpyrifos and 0.06 lb ai lambda-cyhalothrin (51.1 fl oz of Cobalt Advanced) per acre.
- Do not apply more than a total of 3 lb ai chlorpyrifos and 0.18 lb ai lambda-cyhalothrin (153.3 fl oz of Cobalt Advanced) per acre per year.
- Do not make a second application of Cobalt Advanced or other product containing chlorpyrifos within 7 days of the first application.
- In plantations and nurseries, do not apply more than a total of 0.24 lb ai lambda-cyhalothrin per acre per year.
- In seed orchards, do not apply more than a total of 0.5 lb ai lambdacyhalothrin per acre per year.
- Do not allow meat or dairy animals to graze in treated areas.
- Maximum Application Rate: Do not exceed the maximum application rate of ai per acre per year allowed by using other lambda-cyhalothrin or gamma-cyhalothrin containing products. The maximum rate allowed for use if both lambda-cyhalothrin and gamma-cyhalothrin products are used during the same crop growing season can be calculated based upon the listed maximum rates in the following table:
Lambda-Cyhalothrin - 0.24 (lb ai/acre/season)
Gamma-Cyhalothrin – 0.12 (lb ai/acre/season)
When the maximum application rate of lambda-cyhalothrin is reached, no gamma-cyhalothrin product can be used. The gamma-cyhalothrin quantity can be multiplied by 2 to calculate the total ai based upon lambda-cyhalothrin.

Corn (Field, Sweet, Seed)
Conservation Tillage: Preplant, At Plant, or Preemergence

Apply as a broadcast spray to surface trash and exposed soil using power-operated ground spray equipment. Use a total spray volume of 20 gpa or more. Use a higher rate in the rate range to extend residual control.
Tank Mixing: Cobalt Advanced may also be applied in tank mixtures with paraquat or glyphosate herbicide and/or liquid fertilizer solutions. See Mixing Directions section for tank mixing instructions. Read and carefully follow all applicable directions, restrictions and precautions on labeling for each product use in combination with Cobalt Advanced.

Target Pests at 11 – 38 fl oz/acre
armyworms, cutworms

At-Plant T-Band Application
Apply as a liquid T-band in fields with no more than 30% cover of crop residue remaining on the soil surface. Position a flat fan nozzle over the open seed furrow immediately behind the planter shoe, in front of the press wheel, and adjust to provide a 5- to 6-inch band width centered over the row. Incorporate into the top 1 inch of soil using tines, chains or other suitable equipment.
The following table provides equivalent application rates for various row spacings when Cobalt Advanced is applied at the rate of 2.87 fl oz per 1000 ft of row for grubs, seed corn beetle, seed corn maggot and wireworms, or applied at a rate of 1.89 fl oz per 1000 ft of row for cutworms alone.

Postemergence Application
Apply as a postemergence broadcast spray using sufficient spray volume to ensure thorough coverage of treated plants, but no less than 10 gpa for ground spray equipment or 2 gpa for aircraft equipment. Use higher carrier volume when foliage is dense and/or pest pressure is high and/or under high temperatures and wind conditions. Cobalt Advanced may be tank mixed with glyphosate products when application is to be made to glyphosate-tolerant corn.
Chemigation: Cobalt Advanced may be broadcast applied postemergence through sprinkler irrigation systems at specified application rates to control listed foliar pests. For best results, tank mix Cobalt Advanced with 2 pints of non-emulsifiable oil. See Chemigation Application section.

Target Pests at 6 – 13 fl oz/acre

Target Pests at 11 – 26 fl oz/acre
aphids armyworms bean leaf beetle cereal leaf beetle corn rootworm adults (2) cutworms (3) flea beetle adults (1) green cloverworm greenbug meadow spittlebug southern corn leaf beetle webworms (4) western bean cutworm

Target Pests at 16 – 38 fl oz/acre
aster leafhopper brown marmorated stink bug chinch bugs (1) corn earworm European corn borer (5) hop vine borer sap beetle southwestern corn borer (6) stalk borer stink bug spp. tarnished plant bug

Target Pests at 32 – 42 fl oz/acre
billbugs (1) common stalk borer (9) corn rootworm larvae (7), (8) Japanese beetle adult lesser cornstalk borer

Pest-Specific Use Directions:
1. Billbug, chinch bug, or flea beetle: For best control, ground apply in a minimum spray volume of 20 to 40 gpa at 40 psi. If corn is less than 6 inches tall, apply in a 9- to 12-inch wide band over the row. For corn more than 6 inches tall, apply using drop nozzles directed to the base of the plant. Do not reduce the application rate for banded or directed applications. Concentrate the full labeled dosage rate in the treated zone. When chinch bugs continue to immigrate to corn over a prolonged period or under extreme pest pressure, a second application may be needed.
2. Corn rootworm adults: The specified dosage will control silk clipping.
3. Cutworms: It is preferable to apply Cobalt Advanced when soil is moist and worms are active on or near the soil surface. If ground is dry, cloddy, or crusted at time of treatment, worms may be protected from the spray and effectiveness will be reduced. Shallow incorporation using a rotary hoe or other suitable equipment immediately before or soon after treatment may improve control. A second application may be required if damage or density levels exceed economic thresholds established for your area.
4. Webworm: For control, shallow incorporation using a rotary hoe or other suitable equipment immediately before or soon after treatment is necessary.
5. European corn borer: For control, use 22 to 38 fl oz per acre when application is made with power-operated ground or aerial equipment or 16 to 38 fl oz per acre when application is made through a sprinkler irrigation system. University research indicates that achieving greater than 50% control of first generation European corn borer with a single liquid insecticide treatment is highly dependent upon timing, insecticide placement, and weather conditions.
6. Southwestern corn borer: A second application may be applied 21 days later if needed due to reinfestation.
7. Corn rootworm larvae For postemergence control, apply at cultivation. Direct the spray to both sides of the row at the base of the plants just ahead of the cultivator shovels. Cover the insecticide with soil around the brace roots. A cultivation application of Cobalt Advanced may be made in addition to an at-planting application of Lorsban® 15G insecticide.
8. Cobalt Advanced may also be applied through sprinkler irrigation systems at the rate of 32 to 42 fl oz per acre to control corn rootworm larvae. Time application to coincide with the appearance of the second instar larvae. Apply with enough water to wet the root zone to the depth control needed. If soils are wet, allow enough soil drying to occur such that an application using a minimum amount of water will not produce surface runoff. See Chemigation Application section.
9. Do not use Cobalt Advanced in combination with a burndown herbicide for control of common stalk borer. For common stalk borer control, treat approximately 11 days after application of glyphosate or after burndown with paraquat herbicide is complete (3 to 5 days).

Specific Use Restrictions:
- Preharvest Interval: Do not apply within 21 days before harvest of grain, ears, forage or fodder.
- Do not make more than three applications of Cobalt Advanced or other product containing chlorpyrifos per season, including the maximum allowed of two granular applications, at the 1 lb ai chlorpyrifos rate.
- Maximum single application rate is 0.83 lb ai chlorpyrifos and 0.04 lb ai lambda-cyhalothrin (43 fl oz of Cobalt Advanced) per acre.
- Do not apply more than a total of 2.5 lb ai chlorpyrifos and 0.13 lb ai lambda-cyhalothrin (129 fl oz of Cobalt Advanced) per acre per season.
- Do not make a second application of Cobalt Advanced or other product containing chlorpyrifos within 10 days of the first application.
- If more than 1 lb ai granular chlorpyrifos per acre is applied at-plant (for a maximum of 1.3 lb ai per acre per season), only one additional application of a liquid product containing chlorpyrifos at 0.82 lb ai chlorpyrifos (42 fl oz of Cobalt Advanced) per acre is allowed per season, for a total of 2.12 lb ai chlorpyrifos per acre per season.
- Do not allow meat or dairy animals to graze in treated areas nor harvest treated corn forage as feed for meat or dairy animals within 1 day after last treatment.
- Do not apply in tank mixes with Steadfast or Lightning herbicides.
- Do not apply more than a total of 1.52 lb ai chlorpyrifos (79 fl oz of Cobalt Advanced) after silk initiation.
- Do not apply more than a total of 0.76 lb ai chlorpyrifos (39.5 fl oz of Cobalt Advanced) after corn has reached the milk stage (yellow kernels with milky fluid).
-Maximum Application Rate: Do not exceed the maximum application rate of ai per acre per year allowed by using other lambda-cyhalothrin or gamma-cyhalothrin containing products. The maximum rate allowed for use if both lambda-cyhalothrin and gamma-cyhalothrin products are used during the same crop growing season can be calculated based upon the listed maximum rates in the following table:
Lambda-Cyhalothrin – 0.12 (lb ai/acre/season)
Gamma-Cyhalothrin – 0.06 (lb ai/acre/season)
When the maximum application rate of lambda-cyhalothrin is reached, no gamma-cyhalothrin product can be used. The gamma-cyhalothrin quantity can be multiplied by 2 to calculate the total ai based upon lambda-cyhalothrin.

Apply as a broadcast foliar spray using aircraft or ground spray equipment (see separate rate table for Arizona and California). Use a higher rate in the rate range when there is increased pest pressure. Use sufficient spray volume to ensure thorough coverage of treated plants, but no less than 10 gpa for ground spray equipment or 2 gpa for aircraft equipment. Increase spray volume when foliage is dense and/or pest population is high and/or under high temperature and wind conditions. Treat when field counts indicate damaging insect populations are developing or present.
Chemigation: Cobalt Advanced may be applied through sprinkler irrigation systems at specified broadcast application rates to control listed foliar pests. See Chemigation Application section.
Proper application methods are necessary to ensure thorough spray coverage and correct rate, and minimize off-target drift. Follow Application Directions for ground and aerial application and Spray Drift Management recommendations in Product Information section of this label.
All States Except Arizona and California
Target Pests at 11 – 26 fl oz/acre
cabbage looper cotton leafperforator cutworms grasshoppers
Target Pests at 16 – 38 fl oz/acre
bollworm (2) cotton aphid cotton fleahopper (1) cotton leafworm cutworms spp. European corn borer fall armyworm plant bugs (1) (Lygus, Mirids) saltmarsh caterpillar thrips spp. yellowstriped armyworm
Target Pests at 22 – 38 fl oz/acre
beet armyworm boll weevil pink bollworm stink bug spp.
Target Pests at 32 – 42 fl oz/acre
bandedwing whitefly sweetpotato whitefly tobacco whitefly

Pest-Specific Use Directions:
1. Plant bugs and cotton fleahoppers: Suppression will minimize damage. Use a higher rate in the rate range for increased levels of control.
2. Bollworms: For best results, scout fields twice per week and apply when worms are 1/4 inch or less in length.

Arizona and California
Target Pests at 22 – 42 fl oz/acre
armyworms bollworm (2) cotton aphid cotton fleahopper cotton leaf perforator cutworms Lygus salt marsh caterpillar silverleaf whitefly (1) thrips
Target Pests at 32 – 42 fl oz/acre
pink bollworm

Pest-Specific Use Directions:
1. Silverleaf whitefly: Apply in tank mix combination with the specified rate of another insecticide labeled for control or suppression.
2. Bollworms: For best results, scout fields twice per week and apply when worms are 1/4 inch or less in length.

Specific Use Restrictions:
- Preharvest Interval: Do not apply within 21 days before harvest.
- Do not make more than three applications of Cobalt Advanced or other product containing chlorpyrifos per crop season.
- Maximum single application rate is 0.82 lb ai chlorpyrifos and 0.05 lb ai lambda-cyhalothrin (42 fl oz of Cobalt Advanced) per acre.
- Do not apply more than a total of 2.5 lb ai chlorpyrifos and 0.127 lb ai lambda-cyhalothrin (126 fl oz of Cobalt Advanced) per acre per season.
- Do not make a second application of Cobalt or other product containing chlorpyrifos within 10 days of the first application.
- Do not allow meat or dairy animals to graze in treated areas.
- Do not feed gin trash or treated forage to meat or dairy animals.
- Maximum Application Rate: Do not exceed the maximum application rate of ai per acre per year allowed by using other lambda-cyhalothrin or gamma-cyhalothrin containing products. The maximum rate allowed for use if both lambda-cyhalothrin and gamma-cyhalothrin products are used during the same crop growing season can be calculated based upon the listed maximum rates in the following table:
Lambda-Cyhalothrin – 0.2 (lb ai/acre/season)
Gamma-Cyhalothrin – 0.1 (lb ai/acre/season)
When the maximum application rate of gamma-cyhalothrin is reached, no lambda-cyhalothrin product can be used. The gamma-cyhalothrin quantity can be multiplied by 2 to calculate the total ai based upon lambda-cyhalothrin.

Sorghum - Grain Sorghum (Milo)
Apply as a postemergence broadcast spray using sufficient spray volume to ensure thorough coverage of treated plants, but no less than 10 gpa for ground spray equipment or 2 gpa for aircraft equipment. Control may be reduced at low spray volumes under high temperature and wind conditions.
Chemigation: Cobalt Advanced may be applied through sprinkler irrigation systems at specified broadcast application rates to control listed foliar pests. See Chemigation Application section.

Target Pests at 6 – 13 fl oz/acre
grasshoppers sorghum midge (1) yellow sugar cane aphid and other aphids
Target Pests at 11 – 38 fl oz/acre
chinch bugs (3) cutworms fall armyworms flea beetle spp. greenbug (2) lesser cornstalk borer (3) yellowstriped armyworm
Target Pests at 16 – 38 fl oz/acre
beet armyworm corn earworm European and southwestern corn borer stink bug spp. Webworms

Pest-Specific Use Directions:
1. Sorghum midge: Apply when 30% to 50% of the seed heads are in bloom.
2. Greenbug: Use a higher rate in the rate range when pest populations are high.
3. Chinch bugs and lesser cornstalk borer: Apply as a directed spray toward the base of the plant using power-operated ground spray equipment with sufficient water to ensure coverage of an 8- to 12-inch band centered in the row. For plants less than 6 inches high, apply an 8- to 12-inch band centered over the row. Do not reduce the dosage for banded or directed applications. Concentrate the full labeled dosage rate in the treated zone.

Specific Use Precautions:
- To minimize the potential for chemical injury, do not apply Cobalt Advanced to drought stressed grain sorghum within three days following irrigation or rain except where the product is applied in irrigation water.
- Be aware that sorghum lines used in seed production fields may be more susceptible to chemical injury. Susceptible inbred lines or hybrids are likely to be at greater risk of yield-reducing chemical injury when treated at the higher application rates. Do not apply more than 26 fl oz of Cobalt Advanced per acre to seed sorghum if the additional risk of crop injury is unacceptable.

Specific Use Restrictions:
- Preharvest Interval: Do not harvest for grain, forage, fodder, hay, or silage within 30 days after application of 26 fl oz of Cobalt Advanced per acre or within 60 days after application of rates above 26 fl oz per acre.
- Do not make more than three applications of Cobalt Advanced or other product containing chlorpyrifos per use season.
- Maximum single application rate is 0.75 lb ai chlorpyrifos and 0.04 lb ai lambda-cyhalothrin (38 fl oz of Cobalt Advanced) per acre per season.
- Do not apply more than a total of 1.5 lb ai chlorpyrifos and 0.08 lb ai lambda-cyhalothrin (77 fl oz of Cobalt Advanced) per acre per season.
- Do not make a second application of Cobalt Advanced or other product containing chlorpyrifos within 10 days of the first application.
- Do not treat sweet varieties of sorghum.
- Do not apply more than 0.56 lb ai chlorpyrifos (28 fl oz of Cobalt Advanced) per acre per season once crop is in soft dough stage.
- Maximum Application Rate: Do not exceed the maximum application rate of ai per acre per year allowed by using other lambda-cyhalothrin or gamma-cyhalothrin containing products. The maximum rate allowed for use if both lambda-cyhalothrin and gamma-cyhalothrin products are used during the same crop growing season can be calculated based upon the listed maximum rates in the following:
Lambda-Cyhalothrin – 0.08 (lb ai/acre/season)
Gamma-Cyhalothrin – 0.04 (lb ai/acre/season)

When the maximum application rate of lambda-cyhalothrin is reached, no gamma-cyhalothrin product can be used. The gamma-cyhalothrin quantity can be multiplied by 2 to calculate the total ai based upon lambda-cyhalothrin.

Conservation Tillage:
At-Plant or Preemergence Applications Apply as a broadcast spray to surface trash and exposed soil using power-operated ground spray equipment. Use a total spray volume of 20 gpa or more. User a higher rate in the rate range to extend residual control.
Tank Mixing: Cobalt Advanced may also be applied in tank mixtures with paraquat or glyphosate herbicide and/or liquid fertilizer solutions. See Mixing Directions section for tank mixing instructions. Read and carefully follow all applicable directions, restrictions and precautions on labeling for each product use in combination with Cobalt Advanced.

Target Pests at 11 – 38 fl oz/acre
cutworms grasshoppers lesser corn stalk borer

Postemergence Application
Apply as a postemergence broadcast spray using sufficient spray volume to ensure thorough coverage of treated plants, but no less than 10 gpa for ground spray equipment or 2 gpa for aircraft equipment. Use higher carrier volume when foliage is dense and/or pest pressure is high and/ or under high temperatures and wind conditions. Apply when field counts indicate damaging pest populations are developing or present. Cobalt Advanced may be tank mixed with glyphosate products when application is to be made to glyphosate-tolerant soybeans. Use a higher rate in the rate range when there is increased pest pressure.
Chemigation: Cobalt Advanced may be applied through sprinkler irrigation systems at specified broadcast application rates to control listed foliar pests. See Chemigation Application section.

Target Pests at 6 – 13 fl oz/acre
grasshoppers green cloverworm velvetbean caterpillar
Target Pests at 11 – 26 fl oz/acre
blister beetle spp. cabbage looper cutworms painted lady caterpillar saltmarsh caterpillar silverspotted skipper soybean aphid spider mites webworm spp. wollybear caterpillar yellowstriped armyworm
Target Pests at 16 – 38 fl oz/acre
brown marmorated stink bug corn earworm Japanese beetle adult Mexican bean beetle Mexican corn rootworm adult northern corn rootworm adult potato leafhopper southern corn rootworm beetle adult stink bug spp. threecornered alfalfa hopper thrips spp. western corn rootworm beetle adult
Target Pests at 22 – 36 fl oz/acre
beet armyworm European corn borer lesser cornstalk borer

Specific Use Precaution:
- On determinate soybeans, do not make more than one application after pod set.

Specific Use Restrictions:
- Preharvest Interval: Do not apply within 30 days before harvest.
- Do not make more than three applications of Cobalt Advanced or other product containing chlorpyrifos per year.
- Maximum single application rate is 0.75 lb ai chlorpyrifos and 0.04 lb ai lambda-cyhalothrin (38 fl oz of Cobalt Advanced) per acre.
- Do not apply more than a total of 1.15 lb ai chlorpyrifos and 0.06 lb ai lambda-cyhalothrin (59 fl oz of Cobalt Advanced) per acre per season.
- Do not make a second application of Cobalt Advanced or other product containing chlorpyrifos within 14 days of the first application.
- Do not allow meat or dairy animals to graze in treated areas or otherwise feed treated soybean forage, hay, and straw to meat or dairy animals.
- Maximum Application Rate: Do not exceed the maximum application rate of ai per acre per year allowed by using other lambda-cyhalothrin or gamma-cyhalothrin containing products. The maximum rate allowed for use if both lambda-cyhalothrin and gamma-cyhalothrin products are used during the same crop growing season can be calculated based upon the listed maximum rates in the following table:
Lambda-Cyhalothrin – 0.06 (lb ai/acre/season)
Gamma-Cyhalothrin – 0.03 (lb ai/acre/season)

When the maximum application rate of lambda-cyhalothrin is reached, no gamma-cyhalothrin product can be used. The gamma-cyhalothrin quantity can be multiplied by 2 to calculate the total ai based upon lambda-cyhalothrin.

Postemergence Broadcast Application

Apply as a postemergence broadcast spray using sufficient spray volume to ensure thorough coverage of treated plants, but no less than 10 gpa for ground spray equipment or 2 gpa for aircraft equipment. Use a higher rate in the rate range when there is increased pest pressure.

Target Pests at 6 – 13 fl oz/acre

Target Pests at 16 – 38 fl oz/acre
banded sunflower moth cutworms fall armyworm painted lady caterpillar seed weevil (4) stem weevil (2) sunflower beetle larvae and adults (1) sunflower moth (3) woolly bears

Target Pests at 22 – 38 fl oz/acre
beet armyworm head-clipper weevil adult Japanese beetle adult leafhopper spp. meadow spittlebug spotted cabbage looper stink bug spp. sunflower maggot adult tarnished plant bug (Lygus) (5)

Pest-Specific Use Directions:
1. Sunflower beetle: For control of larvae or adults, treat when field counts indicate 10 larvae or 1 to 2 adults per seedling.
2. Stem weevil: Optimal treatment time is within 5 to 7 days after adult weevils begin to appear.
3. Sunflower moth: To control, make first application during early 1% to 5% bloom stage.
4. Seed weevil: To control, apply when field counts indicate 10 to 12 adults per plant for oil crop varieties and 1 to 3 adults per plant on confectionery crop varieties.
5. Tarnished plant bug (Lygus): Use a higher rate in the rate range where populations are heavy. Apply at the onset of pollen spread or approximately 10% bloom (R-5 growth stage). For best protection, make a second application 10 days later. Use sufficient water to ensure thorough coverage of treated plants.

Specific Use Restrictions:
- Preharvest Interval: Do not apply within 45 days before harvest.
- Do not make more than three applications of Cobalt Advanced or other product containing chlorpyrifos per season.
- Maximum single application rate is 0.75 lb ai chlorpyrifos and 0.04 lb ai lambda-cyhalothrin (38 fl oz of Cobalt Advanced) per acre.
- Do not apply more than a total of 2.3 lb ai chlorpyrifos and 0.12 lb ai lambda-cyhalothrin (114 fl oz of Cobalt Advanced) per acre per season or after bloom initiation.
- Do not make a second application of Cobalt Advanced or other product containing chlorpyrifos within 10 days of the first application.
- Do not allow meat or dairy animals to graze in treated areas.
- Maximum Application Rate: Do not exceed the maximum application rate of ai per acre per year allowed by using other lambda-cyhalothrin or gamma-cyhalothrin containing products. The maximum rate allowed for use if both lambda-cyhalothrin and gamma-cyhalothrin products are used during the same crop growing season can be calculated based upon the listed maximum rates in the following table:
Lambda-Cyhalothrin – 0.2 (lb ai/acre/season)
Gamma-Cyhalothrin – 0.1 (lb ai/acre/season)

When the maximum application rate of lambda-cyhalothrin is reached, no gamma-cyhalothrin product can be used. The gamma-cyhalothrin quantity can be multiplied by 2 to calculate the total ai based upon lambda-cyhalothrin.

Tree Fruits1 and Almond (Dormant/Delayed Dormant Sprays)
1Apple, cherry, nectarine, peach, pear, plum, prune
Apply as a dormant or delayed dormant spray. While Cobalt Advanced may be used without oil, for best results, use oil to control additional pests. See precautions for use of oil below. Apply as a concentrate or dilute spray using conventional, power-operated spray equipment. For dilute sprays (greater than 200 gpa), use sufficient spray volume to completely wet tree foliage, but not to point of runoff. For concentrate sprays (less than 200 gpa), uniformly apply an equivalent amount of Cobalt Advanced per acre.
Use a higher rate in the rate range when there is increased pest pressure.

Use Precautions for Tree Fruits and Almond:
- Cold or dry conditions may cause Cobalt Advanced plus oil sprays to infuse into trees, resulting in bud damage or bud drop. Do not apply until winter rains or irrigation has replenished soil moisture such that bark and twigs are not desiccated.
- To avoid contamination of irrigation tail waters, do not flood irrigate within 24 hours of application of Cobalt Advanced.

Use Restrictions for Tree Fruits and Almond:
- Do not make more than one application of Cobalt Advanced or other product containing chlorpyrifos during the dormant season.
- For apple, do not make more than one application of Cobalt Advanced or other product containing chlorpyrifos to the apple tree trunk per year as either a prebloom or post-bloom application.
- Maximum single application rate is 2 lb ai chlorpyrifos and 0.1 lb ai lambda-cyhalothrin (6.25 pints of Cobalt Advanced) per acre.
- Do not apply more than a total of 2 lb ai chlorpyrifos and 0.1 lb ai lambda-cyhalothrin (6.25 pints of Cobalt Advanced) per acre per season as a dormant/delayed dormant application.
- Do not allow meat or dairy animals to graze in treated orchards.
- Maximum Application Rate: Do not exceed the maximum application rate of ai per acre per year allowed by using other lambda-cyhalothrin or gamma-cyhalothrin containing products. The maximum rate allowed for use if both lambda-cyhalothrin and gamma-cyhalothrin products are used during the same crop growing season can be calculated based upon the listed maximum rates in the following table:
Tree fruits
Lambda-Cyhalothrin – 0.2 (lb ai/acre/season)
Gamma-Cyhalothrin – 0.1 (lb ai/acre/season)
Lambda-Cyhalothrin - 0.16 (lb ai/acre/season)
Gamma-Cyhalothrin – 0.08 (lb ai/acre/season)

When the maximum application rate of lambda-cyhalothrin is reached, no gamma-cyhalothrin product can be used. The gamma-cyhalothrin quantity can be multiplied by 2 to calculate the total ai based upon lambda-cyhalothrin.

Almond, Cherry, Nectarine, Peach, Pear, Plum, Prune
Target Pests at 4 – 6.25 pint/acre
American plum borer greater peach tree borer lesser peach tree borer peach twig borer

Specific Use Precautions for Almond, Cherry, Nectarine, Peach, Pear, Plum, Prune:
- Avoid contact with foliage in sweet cherries as premature leaf drop may result.

Specific Use Restrictions for Almond, Cherry, Nectarine, Peach, Pear, Plum, Prune:
- Do not make a soil or foliar application of Cobalt Advanced or other product containing chlorpyrifos within 10 days of a dormant/delayed dormant application of chlorpyrifos to the orchard.
- Do not exceed the maximum rate of 0.08 lb ai per acre per year allowed by using other lambda-cyhalothrin or gamma-cyhalothrin containing products. The maximum rate allowed for use if both lambdacyhalothrin and gamma-cyhalothrin products are used during the same crop growing season can be calculated based upon the listed maximum rates in the Maximum Application Rate table.

Additional Restrictions Specific to California for Almond, Cherry, Nectarine, Peach, Pear, Plum, Prune:
- Do not use more than 1% dormant oil in almond orchards less than 4 years old.
- Use a minimum of 100 gpa of total spray volume.
- Use up to 2% supreme oil with no more than 4 gpa on almonds.
- Use up to 2% supreme oil with no more than 6 gpa on peaches and nectarines.
- Refer to the University of California pest management guide for pears, plums, and prunes.
- Do not use any adjuvants or surfactants in addition to, or as a substitute for, a petroleum spray oil in a tank mix with Cobalt Advanced.
- Do not apply on almonds in the following counties in California: Butte, Colusa, Glenn, Solano, Sutter, Tehama, Yolo, and Yuba.

Target Pests at 4 – 6.25 pint/acre
rosy apple aphid san jose scale

Specific Use Restrictions for Apple:
- Only one application of any chlorpyrifos containing product can be made per year. The application can be either a prebloom dormant/delayed dormant spray to the canopy or the trunk, or a post-bloom application to the lower 4 feet of the trunk [for post-bloom application instructions and restrictions on apple, refer to Apple Tree Trunk section of the label].

Additional Restrictions Specific to California for Apple:
- Use a minimum of 100 gpa of total spray volume.
- Refer to the University of California pest management guide for apples.
- Do not use any adjuvants or surfactants in addition to, or as a substitute for, a petroleum spray oil in a tank mix with Cobalt Advanced.

Tree Fruits1 and Almond (Trunk Spray or Preplant Dip)
1Cherry, nectarine, peach, plum
Apply Cobalt Advanced to tree trunks and lower branches using a coarse, low-pressure spray to control pests listed in the following table. Use a higher rate in the rate range when there is increased pest pressure. Unless otherwise specified, a second application may be made after two weeks and a third application may be made after harvest. Apply as required by scouting, usually at intervals of five days or more. Base timing and frequency of applications upon insect populations reaching locally determined economic thresholds and IPM recommendations. Avoid spray contact with foliage in sweet cherries as premature leaf drop may result. Consult your state agricultural experiment station or extension service specialist for proper application timing for your area.

Cherry – Target Pests at 2.4 – 4.8 quart/100 gal
American plum borer greater peach tree borer lesser peach tree borer
Almond, Peach, Nectarine, Plum – Target Pests at 4.8 quart/100 gal
peach tree borers (1) (2)

Pest-Specific Use Directions:
1. Preplant Dip Application (Peaches and Nectarines Only). For preplant control of peachtree borer, use Cobalt Advanced at the equivalent application rate of 3 quarts per 100 gallons of water. Dip trees several inches above the grafting bud scar and plant immediately or allow them to dry before returning to storage. Do not allow peach trees to remain in contact with the dip solution.
2. Peach tree borer: For control in established trees, apply before newly hatched borers enter the tree. Use as a coarse, low-pressure trunk spray and thoroughly wet all bark areas from ground level to scaffold limbs. Do not allow spray to contact fruit. Consult written recommendations provided by your State agricultural experiment station or extension service specialist for proper time to treat in your area.

Specific Use Restrictions:
- Preharvest Interval:
Do not apply within 14 days before harvest of almonds, nectarines, peaches, and plums, or within 21 days before harvest of cherries.
- Do not make more than one chlorpyrifos application per year in almonds, nectarines, peaches and plums and no more than three chlorpyrifos applications per year in cherries.
- Do not allow meat or dairy animals to graze in treated orchards.
- Do not exceed the maximum rate of 0.16 lb ai per acre per year allowed by using other lambda-cyhalothrin or gamma-cyhalothrin containing products. The maximum rate allowed for use if both lambdacyhalothrin and gamma-cyhalothrin products are used during the same crop growing season can be calculated based upon the listed maximum rates in the Maximum Application Rate table.
- Maximum Application Rate: Do not exceed the maximum application rate of ai per acre per year allowed by using other lambda-cyhalothrin or gamma-cyhalothrin containing products. The maximum rate allowed for use if both lambda-cyhalothrin and gamma-cyhalothrin products are used during the same crop growing season can be calculated based upon the listed maximum rates in the following table:
Tree Fruits
Lambda-Cyhalothrin – 0.2 (lb ai/acre/season)
Gamma-Cyhalothrin – 0.1 (lb ai/acre/season)
Tree Nuts
Lambda-Cyhalothrin – 0.16 (lb ai/acre/season)
Gamma-Cyhalothrin – 0.08 (lb ai/acre/season)
When the maximum application rate of lambda-cyhalothrin is reached, no gamma-cyhalothrin product can be used. The gamma-cyhalothrin quantity can be multiplied by 2 to calculate the total ai based upon lambda-cyhalothrin.

Tree Nuts1 (Foliar Sprays)
1Almond, filbert, pecan, walnut
Apply Cobalt Advanced as a foliar spray at the dosages indicated to control pests listed in the following table. Mix the required dosage in sufficient water to ensure thorough and complete coverage of the foliage and crop and apply as a concentrate or dilute spray using conventional, power-operated spray equipment. For dilute sprays applied to tree nut crops, mix the required dosage in sufficient water to allow for spray to runoff. For concentrate sprays, apply an equivalent amount of Cobalt Advanced per acre. Treat when pests appear or in accordance with local conditions. Aerial application may result in less effective insect control because of reduced coverage. Consult your State agricultural experiment station, certified pest control advisor, or extension service specialist for specific use information in your area.
Almond – Target Pests at 22 – 57 fl oz/acre
ant spp. leaffooted bug leafroller spp. navel orangeworm peach twig borer stink bug spp.
Filbert – Target Pests at 22 – 57 fl oz/acre
brown marmorated stink bug eye-spotted bud moth filbert aphid filbert leafroller filbert worm obliquebanded leafroller omnivorous leaftier stink bug spp. winter moth
Pecan – Target Pests at 16 – 57 fl oz/acre
blackmargined aphid fall webworm pecan nut casebearer yellow pecan aphid
Pecan – Target Pests at 22 – 57 fl oz/acre
ant spp. black pecan aphid brown marmorated stink bug hickory shuckworm (2) Phylloxera spp.(3) pecan leaf scorch mite (suppression) (4) spittlebugs (1) stink bug spp.
Walnut – Target Pests at 22 – 57 fl oz/acre
ant app. codling moth leaffooted bug leafrollers navel orangeworm stink bug spp. walnut aphid walnut husk fly walnut scale

Pest-Specific Use Directions:
1. Spittlebug For control, use a dosage of 57 fl oz per acre for concentrate sprays.
2. Hickory shuckworm: For best results, make two applications, 10 to 14 days apart.
3. Phylloxera spp.: For best control, make two applications at a 10-day interval using a minimum of 26 fl oz of Cobalt Advanced per acre starting at bud swell.
4. Pecan leaf scorch mite: For suppression, use a preventative program.

Specific Use Precautions:
- Cobalt Advanced is highly toxic to bees exposed to direct treatment and should not be applied when bees are foraging in the treated area.
- To avoid contamination of irrigation tail waters, do not flood irrigate within 24 hours of application of Cobalt Advanced.
Specific Use Restrictions:
- Preharvest Interval: Do not apply within 14 days before harvest of almonds, filberts and walnuts, or 28 days before harvest of pecans.
- Do not make more than three applications of Cobalt Advanced or other product containing chlorpyrifos to almonds, pecans and filberts per season, and no more than two applications per season on walnuts.
- Maximum single application rate is 1.12 lb ai chlorpyrifos and 0.06 lb ai lambda-cyhalothrin (57 fl oz of Cobalt Advanced) per acre.
- Do not apply more than a total of 3.09 lb ai chlorpyrifos and 0.16 lb ai lambda-cyhalothrin (158 fl oz of Cobalt Advanced) per acre per season as a foliar spray.
- Do not make a second application of Cobalt Advanced or other product containing chlorpyrifos within 10 days of the first application.
- Do not allow meat or dairy animals to graze in treated orchards.
- Maximum Application Rate: Do not exceed the maximum application rate of ai per acre per year allowed by using other lambda-cyhalothrin or gamma-cyhalothrin containing products. The maximum rate allowed for use if both lambda-cyhalothrin and gamma-cyhalothrin products are used during the same crop growing season can be calculated based upon the listed maximum rates in the following table:
Tree Nuts
Lambda-Cyhalothrin – 0.16 (lb ai/acre/season)
Gamma-Cyhalothrin – 0.08 (lb ai/acre/season)
When the maximum application rate of lambda-cyhalothrin is reached, no gamma-cyhalothrin product can be used. The gamma-cyhalothrin quantity can be multiplied by 2 to calculate the total ai based upon lambda-cyhalothrin.

(For use only in Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Nevada, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington and Wyoming)
Apply as a postemergence broadcast spray using sufficient spray volume to ensure thorough coverage of treated plants, but no less than 10 gpa for ground spray equipment or 2 gpa for aircraft equipment. Apply when field counts indicate damaging pest populations are developing or present.
Chemigation: Cobalt Advanced may be applied through sprinkler irrigation systems at specified broadcast application rates to control listed foliar pests. See Chemigation Application section.

Target Pests at 6 – 13 fl oz/acre
aphid spp. (1) English grain aphid greenbug oat bird-cherry aphid Russian wheat aphid brown wheat mite grasshoppers
Target Pests at 11 – 25 fl oz/acre
army cutworms (2) armyworm spp. cereal leaf beetle (3) cutworms (2) flea beetle spp. grass sawfly orange wheat blossom midge wheat midge (4)
Target Pests at 16 – 25 fl oz/acre
stink bug spp

Pest-Specific Use Directions:
1. Consult university extension bulletins for local treatment recommendations.
2. Control may be reduced under high temperature conditions (greater than 80°F), under dry soil conditions, or if larvae are more than 1/2 inch long.
3. Target application when eggs are near hatching and larvae is emerging as monitored by plant inspection.
4. Wheat midge: For control, treat when 75% of the wheat heads have emerged from the boot and when midge adults are found in the crop (1 midge per 4 to 5 heads). If possible, apply in the late afternoon or early evening when temperatures exceed 50°F and wind speed is less than 7 mph.

Specific Use Restrictions:
- Preharvest Interval: Do not apply within 14 days before harvest of forage and hay, or within 30 days before harvest of grain and straw.
- Do not make more than two applications of Cobalt Advanced or other product containing chlorpyrifos per season.
- Maximum single application rate is 0.5 lb ai chlorpyrifos and 0.025 lb ai lambda-cyhalothrin (25 fl oz of Cobalt Advanced) per acre.
- Do not apply more than a total of 1 lb ai chlorpyrifos and 0.05 lb ai lambda-cyhalothrin (50 fl oz of Cobalt Advanced) per acre per year.
- Do not allow meat or dairy animals to graze or otherwise feed on treated forage within 7 days after last treatment.
- Do not feed straw from treated wheat within 30 days of application.
- Maximum Application Rate: Do not exceed the maximum application rate of ai per acre per year allowed by using other lambda-cyhalothrin or gamma-cyhalothrin containing products. The maximum rate allowed for use if both lambda-cyhalothrin and gamma-cyhalothrin products are used during the same crop growing season can be calculated based upon the listed maximum rates in the following:
Lambda-Cyhalothrin – 0.12 (lb ai/acre/season)
Gamma-Cyhalothrin – 0.06 (lb ai/acre/season)
When the maximum application rate of lambda-cyhalothrin is reached, no gamma-cyhalothrin product can be used. The gamma-cyhalothrin quantity can be multiplied by 2 to calculate the total ai based upon lambda-c

Registered for culturesRatePreharvest Interval
Apples4 - 6.25 fl oz28
Cherries4 - 6.25 fl oz21
Nectarines4 - 6.25 fl oz14
Peaches4 - 6.25 fl oz14
Pears4 - 6.25 fl oz14
Plums4 - 6.25 fl oz14
Almonds22 - 57 fl oz14
Pecans16 - 57 fl oz28
Walnut22 - 57 fl oz14
Alfalfa6 - 38 fl oz7
Brussels sprouts11 - 38 fl oz21
Corn6 - 50 fl oz21
Cotton11 - 42 fl oz21
Sorghum6 - 38 fl oz60
Soybeans6 - 38 fl oz30
Sunflowers6 - 38 fl oz45
Spring wheat6 - 25 fl oz30
Winter wheat6 - 25 fl oz30