Durango DMA
- Manufacturer
- Dow AgroSciences
- Category
- Herbicides
- Registered until
- Registration expired
- Registration number
- 62719-556
- Active materials
- glyphosate5.02 lb/gallon
Herbicide Resistance Management
Glyphosate, the active ingredient in this product, is a group 9 herbicide (inhibitor of EPSP synthase). Some naturally occurring weed biotypes that are tolerant (resistant) to glyphosate may exist due to genetic variability in a weed population. Where resistant biotypes exist, the repeated use of herbicides with the same mode of action can lead to the selection for resistant weeds. Certain agronomic practices reduce the likelihood that resistant weed populations will develop, and can be utilized to manage weed resistance once it occurs.
To delay the selection for glyphosate resistant weeds, use the following practices:
- Scout fields before and after application.
- Start with a clean field by applying a burndown herbicide or by tillage.
- Control weeds early when they are small.
- Add other herbicides, such as a selective and/or a residual herbicide, and cultural practices, such as tillage or crop rotation, where appropriate.
- Rotating to other Roundup Ready crops is one method for adding other herbicides into a continuous Roundup Ready system.
- Use the application rate for the most difficult to control weed in the field. Do not tank mix with other herbicides that reduce this product’s efficacy through antagonism or with ones that encourage application rates of this product below those specified on this label.
- Control weed escapes and prevent weeds from setting seeds.
- Before moving from one field to another, clean equipment to minimize the spread of weed seeds or plant parts. 3 Specimen Label Revised 08-29-14
- Use new commercial seed that is as free of weed seed as possible.
- Report any incidence of repeated non-performance of this product against a particular weed species to the local retailer, county extension agent, or Dow AgroSciences representative.
The following good agronomic practices are recommended to reduce the spread of confirmed glyphosate-resistant biotypes:
- Tank mix this product or apply it sequentially with an appropriately labeled herbicide with a different mode of action to achieve control if a naturally occurring resistant biotype is present in the field.
- Cultural and mechanical control practices, such as crop rotation or tillage, may also be used.
- Rotating to other Roundup Ready crops is one method for adding other herbicides into a continuous Roundup Ready system.
- To control weed escapes, including resistant biotypes, before they set seed, scout treated fields after applying this product.
- Thoroughly clean equipment before leaving any field known to contain resistant biotypes.
Because the presence of glyphosate resistance in weed populations is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of this product to control glyphosate-resistant weeds.
Control and Management of Glyphosate-Resistant Ryegrass (Not for Use in California)
Preemergence: To control other emerged weeds, apply this product in a tank mix with a preemergence herbicide labeled for control of ryegrass.
Preemergence and Postemergence: To control other emerged weeds, apply this product in a tank mix with a residual preemergence herbicide and a postemergence herbicide (other than glyphosate) labeled for control of ryegrass. Apply before ryegrass is more than 4 inches in height.
Postemergence: To control other emerged weeds, apply this product in a tank mix with another postemergence herbicide labeled for control of ryegrass. Apply before ryegrass is more than 4 inches in height.
Not all herbicides are registered in each state or for all use sites (orchards, noncrop areas, or ditch banks) or crops for the management of ryegrass. When using this product in a tank mix, refer to each product’s label and observe the most restrictive label’s precautions and limitations.
Mixing Directions
Use only clean, stainless steel, fiberglass, plastic or plastic-lined steel containers to mix, store and apply spray solutions of this product. Do not mix, store or apply this product or spray solutions of this product in galvanized steel or unlined steel, except stainless steel, containers or spray tanks. Eliminate any risk of siphoning the contents of the tank mix back into the carrier source while mixing. Use approved anti-back-siphoning devices where required by state or local regulations. A 50-mesh nozzle screen or line strainer is sufficient to use on the spray equipment. Clean sprayer parts immediately after using this product by thoroughly flushing with water.
Note: Reduced results may occur if water containing soil is used, such as visibly muddy water or water from ponds and ditches that is not clear.
Durango DMA – Alone
This product mixes readily with water. Mix spray solutions of this product as follows:
1. Fill the mixing or spray tank with the required amount of clean water.
2. Add the specified amount of this product near the end of the filling process and mix well.
3. During mixing and application, foaming of the spray solution may occur. To prevent or minimize foaming, avoid the use of mechanical agitators, terminate by-pass and return lines at the bottom of the tank and, if needed, use an approved anti-foam or defoaming agent.
Durango DMA – Tank Mix
This product does not provide residual weed control. For residual weed control or an alternate mode of action, tank mix this product with other herbicides. Read and carefully observe the precautionary statements and all other information appearing on the labels of all herbicides used. Use according to the most restrictive label directions for each product in the mixture.
Under certain conditions, at certain growth stages, and/or under other circumstances, some tank mix products have the potential to cause crop injury. Read all labels for products used in the tank mix prior to using them to determine the potential for crop injury.
Tank mixing with other herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, micronutrients or foliar fertilizers may result in reduced weed control or crop injury. Do not use these products in applications with this product unless otherwise noted in this label. Buyer and all users are responsible for all loss or damage in connection with the use or handling of mixtures of this product with herbicides or other materials that are not expressly specified in this labeling. Mixing this product with herbicides or other materials not specified on this label may result in reduced performance.
The user is responsible for ensuring that the specific application being made is included on the label of the product used in the tank mix when a tank mixture with a generic active ingredient, such as 2,4-D, atrazine, dicamba, diuron, or pendimethalin, is listed in the label.
Read all individual product labels for all products in the tank mix and observe all precautions and restrictions on the label. Use according to the most restrictive directions for each product in the tank mix. Always predetermine the compatibility of all tank mix products, together in the carrier, by mixing small proportional quantities in advance of mixing and applying them to the crop.
For best results, apply tank mixes with this product in a minimum spray volume of 10 gallons per acre (gpa).
For tank mixes of this product:
1. Place a 20- to 35-mesh screen or wetting basket over filling port.
2. Through the screen, fill the spray tank one-half full with water and start agitation.
3. If ammonium sulfate is used, add it slowly into the tank through the screen and continue adding water into the tank through the screen. If dry ammonium sulfate is used, make sure it is completely dissolved in the tank before adding other products.
4. If a wettable powder is used, make a slurry with the water carrier and add it slowly through the screen into the tank. Continue agitation.
5. If a flowable formulation is used, premix one part flowable with one part water. Add diluted mixture slowly through the screen into the tank. Continue agitation.
6. If an emulsifiable concentrate formulation is used, premix one part emulsifiable concentrate with two parts water. Add diluted mixture slowly through the screen into the tank. Continue agitation.
7. Continue filling the spray tank with water and add the required amount of this product near the end of the filling process.
8. If a nonionic surfactant is used, add it to the mix tank before completing the filling process.
9. Add individual formulations to the spray tank in the following order: wettable powder, flowable, emulsifiable concentrate, drift control additive and water soluble liquid.
Maintain good agitation at all times until the contents of the tank are sprayed. If the spray mixture is allowed to settle, thorough agitation is required to resuspend the mixture before spraying is resumed.
Keep by-pass line and return line on or near the bottom of the tank to minimize foaming. Screen size in nozzle or line strainers should be no finer than 50 mesh.
Application Equipment and Application Methods
Chemigation: Do not apply this product through any type of irrigation system.
This product may be applied with the following application equipment. Apply spray solutions in properly maintained and calibrated equipment capable of delivering desired volumes.
Aerial: Fixed wing and helicopter
Ground Broadcast Spray: Boom or boomless systems, pull-type sprayer, floaters, pick-up sprayers, spray coupes and other ground broadcast equipment.
Handheld and Backpack Equipment: Knapsack and backpack sprayers, pump-up pressure sprayers, handguns, hand wands, mistblowers, lances and other handheld and motorized spray equipment used to direct the spray onto weed foliage. This product is not registered in California or Arizona for use in mistblowers.
Selective Equipment: Shielded and hooded sprayers, wiper applicators and sponge bars.
Injection Systems: Aerial or ground injection sprayers.
Controlled Droplet Applicator (CDA): Handheld or boom-mounted applicators that produce a spray consisting of a narrow range of droplet sizes.
Application Type: preplant, preemergence, at-planting
Rate: 3 (pints/acre)
Application Type: total in-crop applications from emergence to 6-leaf
Rate: 1.5 (pints/acre)
Preharvest Interval: Do not apply within 60 days of harvest.
Application Type: preplant, preemergence, at-planting
Rate: 1.5 (quarts/acre)
Application Type: total in-crop applications from emergence to canopy closure or prior to bolting in the spring
Rate: 1.5 (quarts/acre)
Preharvest Interval: Do not apply within 60 days of harvest.
Application Type: preplant preemergence at-planting
Rate: 3.75 qt
Application Type: total in-crop applications from emergence through 48-inch corn
Rate: 2.25 qt (2.25 pt as single application)
Application Type: preharvest after maximum kernel fill complete and crop physiologically mature until 7 days before harvest
Rate: 1.5 pt
Application Type: combined total per year for all applications
Rate: 1.5 gal
Preharvest Interval: Do not apply within 50 days of corn forage or grain harvest. Do not make applications less than 10 days apart for in-crop weed control.
Application Type: preplant preemergence at-planting
Rate: 3.75 (quart/acre)
Application Type: maximum preharvest
Rate: 1.5 (quart/acre)
Application Type: total all in-crop applications from ground cracking to layby
Rate: 2.75 (quart/acre)
Application Type: combined total all in-crop applications from emergence through harvest
Rate: 4.25 (quart/acre)
Application Type: combined total for all applications
Rate: 6 (quart/acre)
Preharvest Interval: Do not apply within 7 days before harvest.
Application Type: Application Type Rate (per acre) preplant preemergence at-planting
Rate: 3.75 qt
Application Type: maximum single in-crop application up to 48-inch corn
Rate: 1.13 qt
Application Type: total in-crop applications from emergence through 48-inch corn
Rate: 2.25 qt (2.25 pt as single application)
Application Type: preharvest after maximum kernel fill complete and crop physiologically mature until 7 days before harvest
Rate: 1.5 pt
Application Type: combined total per year for all applications
Rate: 1.5 gal
Preharvest Interval: Do not apply within 50 days of forage or grain harvest.
Application Type: preplant preemergence at-planting
Rate: 3.75 qt
Application Type: maximum preharvest
Rate: 1.5 pt
Application Type: total in-crop applications from cracking throughout flowering (R2 stage)
Rate: 2.25 qt
Application Type: combined total for all applications
Rate: 1.5 ga
Preharvest Interval: Do not apply within 14 days of harvest of grain or feeding soybean grain, forage or hay. Avoid excessive seed shatter loss due to ground application equipment.
Application Type: preplant preemergence at-planting
Rate: 3.75 qt
Application Type: total all applications made between 8-leaf stage and canopy closure
Rate: 1.5 qt
Application Type: total all applications made from emergence to 8-leaf stage
Rate: 2 qt
Application Type: combined total for all applications
Rate: 1.5 gal
Preharvest Interval: Do not apply within 30 days of harvest
Registered for cultures | Rate |
Glyphosate who kills all plants | 3 - 7.5 pt |