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Postemergence herbicide for dry beans, dry peas, peppermint, soybeans, spearmint, Poast Protected field corn and Poast Protected & sweet corn

Product Information
Apply Rezultill herbicide for postemergence control of a wide spectrum of broad leaf and grass weeds in dry beans, dry peas, peppermint, soybeans, spearmint,
Poast Protectedill field corn, Poast Protected sweet corn and field corn or sweet corn grown for Poast Protected seed.
Duplexill System Rezult is provided in a molded jug pack that contains enough sodium salt of bentazon and sethoxydim to treat 5 acres.

Duplexill Single-Pour System Rezult is provided in a molded single-pour jug that contains enough sodium salt of bentazon and sethoxydim to treat 5 acres.
Always read and follow all label directions when using any pesticide alone or in tank mix combinations. The most restrictive labeling applies when using a tank mix.

Application Instructions
Application Timing and Rate
Apply Rezult early postemergence to actively growing weeds before they reach the sizes listed in Table 1. Apply Rezult at a maximum total rate of 3.2 pints per acre. This rate delivers 1.6 pints per acre of the bentazon component (equivalent to 1.0 Ib ai/A) and 1.6 pints of the sethoxydim component (equivalent to 0.2 Ib ai/A). Use the entire contents (2 gallons) of this container to treat 5 acres, which is equivalent to 3.2 pints of Rezult per acre. DO NOT apply the contents in the individual compartments of the Rezult container in any combination other than a 1:1 ratio. An additional 2 pints of Basagranilll herbicide per acre per season may be applied after a single application of Rezult. In dry beans and dry peas, an additional 2.9 pints of Poast per acre per season may be applied after a single application of Rezult. In soybeans, an additional 5.9 pints of Poast Plus per acre per season may be applied after a single application of Rezult. In peppermint and spearmint, an additional 3.9 pints of Poast per acre maybe applied after a single application of Rezult.
In Poast Protected field corn, an additional 2.9 pints of Poast Plus per acre per season may be applied after a single application of Rezult. In Poast Protected sweet corn, an additional 1.9 pints of Poast per acre per season may be applied after a single application of Rezult. The additional application of Poast should be made 10 days or later following the application of Rezult.
Ground Application. Use a minimum of 10 gallons of water per broadcast acre at 60 psi (measured at the boom, not at the pump or in the line) to ensure adequate spray coverage. When crop and weed foliage is dense, use up to 20 gallons of water at 40 to 60 psi. Use standard high-pressure hollow cone or flat fan nozzles spaced 20 inches apart. DO NOT use flood or whirl chamber nozzles. Brass nozzles are not recommended because of the corrosive effects of nitrogen additives.

At lower volumes (e.g., 10 gallons of spray volume per acre) use a minimum nozzle siie of 8002 or equivalent to minimize spray drift. Air Application. Use a minimum of 5 gallons of water per acre and a maximum of 40 psi pressure. To obtain uniform coverage and to avoid drift hazards, the following application equipment and practices should be used: Nozzle type. Use only diaphragm-type nozzles producing cone or fan spray patterns. Nozzle height. Maximum of 10 feet above the crop. Nozzle orientation. Nozzles must be oriented to discharge straight back with the air stream (opposite the direction of travel of the aircraft) or at some angle between straight back and straight down. Nozzles must be located no farther than 3/4 the distance from the center of the aircraft to the end of the wing or rotor. DO NOT apply Rezulte herbicide by aircraft within 200 feet upwind of ornamental or sensitive nontarget crops such as non-Poast ProtectedliD corn, cotton, small grains, sugar beets, or sunflowers. Applicator must follow the most restrictive use cautions to avoid drift hazard and must follow labeling as well as applicable state and local regulations and ordinances.

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