
Dow AgroSciences
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GoalTender herbicide is a selective herbicide for postemergence and preemergence residual weed control in labeled crops.  Directions provided in the General Use Information section of this label apply to all uses of this product.  Use directions for listed crops are provided in the Crop-Specific Use Directions section of this label.

Important: Always read and follow label instructions when buying or using this product.

Registered for culturesRatePreharvest Interval
Artichokes2 - 3 pt5
Broccoli0.5 - 1 pt
Cabbage0.5 - 1 pt
Cauliflower0.5 - 1 pt
Citrus1 - 3 pt
Calamondin1 - 3 pt
Citron1 - 3 pt
Grapefruits1 - 3 pt
Kumquats1 - 3 pt
Lemons1 - 3 pt
Limes1 - 3 pt
Mandarins1 - 3 pt
Pomelo1 - 3 pt
Satsumas1 - 3 pt
Oranges1 - 3 pt
Tangelo1 - 3 pt
Tangerines1 - 3 pt
Tangor1 - 3 pt
Sage0.25 - 0.5 pt
Coffee1 - 4 pt
Almonds0.5 - 4 pt
Apples1 - 4 pt
Apricots1 - 4 pt
Cherries1 - 4 pt
Chestnuts1 - 4 pt
Crabapples1 - 4 pt
Hazelnuts1 - 4 pt
Nectarines1 - 4 pt
Hickory nuts1 - 4 pt
Macadamia nuts1 - 4 pt
Olives1 - 4 pt
Peaches1 - 4 pt
Pears1 - 4 pt
Pecans1 - 4 pt
Pistachios0.5 - 4 pt
Plums1 - 4 pt
Walnut0.5 - 4 pt
Cotton0.5 - 1 pt
Garbanzo beans0.5 pt
Garlic1 - 2 fl oz
Garlic0.25 - 0.5 pt
Guavas1 - 4 pt
Horseradish1 pt
Mint1 - 3 pt
Onions1 - 2 fl oz
Onions0.25 - 1 pt
Papayas2 pt1
Taro, dasheen0.5 - 1 pt
Avocados1 - 4 pt
Beechnuts1 - 4 pt
Brazil nuts1 - 4 pt
Butternuts1 - 4 pt
Cashews1 - 4 pt
Chinquapins1 - 4 pt
Dates1 - 4 pt
Feijoa1 - 4 pt
Figs1 - 4 pt
Grapes0.5 - 4 pt
Kiwifruit1 - 4 pt
Loquat1 - 4 pt
Hawthorn1 - 4 pt
Persimmons1 - 4 pt
Pomegranate1 - 4 pt
Quince1 - 4 pt