Leverage 2.7 Suspension Emulsion

Registered until
Registration number
Active materials

Applications may be made using properly calibrated ground sprayers, fixed- or rotary-winged aircraft or through properly designed, sprinkler-type, chemigation equipment. Thorough and uniform coverage of plants is required for pest control. Use of spray nozzles that provide medium-sized droplets are encouraged to reduce drift potential. For all aphids, apply as pest population begins to build and prior to build up of damaging levels. See general, spray drift reduction management, section below for application guidelines on all application methods.

Registered for culturesRatePreharvest Interval
Cotton3 - 5 fl oz14
Peanuts3.5 fl oz14
Potatoes3 - 3.8 fl oz7
Soybeans3 - 3.8 fl oz45
Broccoli3.8 fl oz7
Rapini3.8 fl oz7
Brussels sprouts3.8 fl oz7
Cabbage3.8 fl oz7
Cauliflower3.8 fl oz7
Bok choy3.8 fl oz7
Chinese broccoli3.8 fl oz7
Chinese cabbage3.8 fl oz7
Gai Choy3.8 fl oz7
Collard greens3.8 fl oz7
Kale3.8 fl oz7
Kohlrabi3.8 fl oz7
Mizuna3.8 fl oz7
Mustard greens3.8 fl oz7
Mustard spinach3.8 fl oz7
Rape greens3.8 fl oz7
Turnips3.8 fl oz7
Amaranth3.8 fl oz7
Arugula3.8 fl oz7
Chervil3.8 fl oz7
Corn salad3.8 fl oz7
Cress3.8 fl oz7
Sorrels3.8 fl oz7
Endive3.8 fl oz7
Lettuce3.8 fl oz7
Orach, atriplex3.8 fl oz7
Purslanes3.8 fl oz7
Radicchio3.8 fl oz7
Spinach3.8 fl oz7
New zealand spinach3.8 fl oz7
Eggplant3.8 - 5.1 fl oz7
Ground cherries3.8 - 5.1 fl oz7
Peppers3.8 - 5.1 fl oz7
Chili3.8 - 5.1 fl oz7
Sweet peppers3.8 - 5.1 fl oz7
Tomatoes3.8 - 5.1 fl oz7
Tomatillos3.8 - 5.1 fl oz7
Pepinos3.8 - 5.1 fl oz7
Peas3.5 fl oz14
Beans3.5 fl oz14
Lupines3.5 fl oz14
Kidney beans3.5 fl oz14
Dry lima beans3.5 fl oz14
Navy beans3.5 fl oz14
Pinto beans3.5 fl oz14
Tepary beans3.5 fl oz14
Adzuki beans3.5 fl oz14
Blackeyed peas3.5 fl oz14
Catjang peas3.5 fl oz14
Cowpea3.5 fl oz14
Crowder peas3.5 fl oz14
Moth beans3.5 fl oz14
Mung beans3.5 fl oz14
Rice beans3.5 fl oz14
Southern peas3.5 fl oz14
Chickpeas3.5 fl oz14
Guars3.5 fl oz14
Lablab beans3.5 fl oz14
Lentils3.5 fl oz14
Pigeon peas3.5 fl oz14
Carrots3.5 fl oz7
Radishes3.5 fl oz7
Arracacha3.5 fl oz7
Arrowroots3.5 fl oz7
Artichokes3.5 fl oz7
Chinese artichoke3.5 fl oz7
Cassava3.5 fl oz7
Chayote3.5 fl oz7
Chufas3.5 fl oz7
Ginger3.5 fl oz7
Leren3.5 fl oz7
Sweet potatoes3.5 fl oz7
Tumeric3.5 fl oz7
Bean yam3.5 fl oz7
True yam3.5 fl oz7
Citrus3 - 11.6 fl oz10
Calamondin3 - 11.6 fl oz10
Citron3 - 11.6 fl oz10
Tangelo3 - 11.6 fl oz10
Tangor3 - 11.6 fl oz10
Grapefruits3 - 11.6 fl oz10
Kumquats3 - 11.6 fl oz10
Lemons3 - 11.6 fl oz10
Limes3 - 11.6 fl oz10
Mandarins3 - 11.6 fl oz10
Tangerines3 - 11.6 fl oz10
Oranges3 - 11.6 fl oz10
Satsumas3 - 11.6 fl oz10
Grapes3 - 8 fl oz14
Hops5.8 fl oz28
Apples3 - 5.1 fl oz14
Crabapples3 - 5.1 fl oz14
Loquat3 - 5.1 fl oz14
Hawthorn3 - 5.1 fl oz14
Pears3 - 5.1 fl oz14
Quince3 - 5.1 fl oz14
Apricots3 - 5.1 fl oz14
Cherries3 - 5.1 fl oz14
Nectarines3 - 5.1 fl oz14
Peaches3 - 5.1 fl oz14
Plums3 - 5.1 fl oz14
Damson3 - 5.1 fl oz14
Plumcot3 - 5.1 fl oz14
Mirabelle prune3 - 5.1 fl oz14
Beechnuts3.8 - 5.1 fl oz14
Brazil nuts3.8 - 5.1 fl oz14
Butternuts3.8 - 5.1 fl oz14
Cashews3.8 - 5.1 fl oz14
Chestnuts3.8 - 5.1 fl oz14
Chinquapins3.8 - 5.1 fl oz14
Hazelnuts3.8 - 5.1 fl oz14
Hickory nuts3.8 - 5.1 fl oz14
Macadamia nuts3.8 - 5.1 fl oz14
Pecans3.8 - 5.1 fl oz14
Pistachios3.8 - 5.1 fl oz14
Walnut3.8 - 5.1 fl oz14